Below are some explanations that may answer some of the questions you have on how our service works.
You can use our service for free with no set date as limit, however you may be limited on how many videos you can create until you are a subscribed member.
Click on get started, enter your email and password at the first and the third blank respectively. Then, click Signup so that we can send the verification code to the email address you just filled in the first blank. After your signup you can visit your dashboard to start using our service.
You can use our service seamlessly on any device.
You can record a video directly from your dashboard once you are logged in. You will be able to record full screen, regional area, or record system sound & microphone. After recording the video, you can also upload the video to meetdirect and manage the videos as well.
Our services is served to you over a CDN. Videos you upload to our servers are stored on our secured data centers, and only you can access or use the content you upload. We do not keep contents you upload, you have control over videos you upload and you can delete it at any time.
Once you have recorded your video, simply hover the mouse cursor or click on the video you want to share. Then, you will notice the button for sharing. Click this button and the video link can be copied automatically. And you can send the video link to your friends, colleagues, or any one you want to share the video with.
Still have a question? Don't worry, our customer care team is ready to help you with any questions or problems